Saturday, June 09, 2012


Summer has officially set in, it is hot and our AC apparently is not working. We turned it on today and it blew a fuse and turned off.  My repair man (Jeremy) seems to think it could be several things so I guess we will be calling in an expert.
In the mean time, we have had no trouble filling up the month of June. I have just completed a week-long workshop on Teacher Quality through the Department of Education and next week the summer camp I am teaching begins. "Who Let the Dogs Out" is the unfortunate theme of the week. I'll post photos of our crazy week with with over 200 students k-9th grade.

Last night we went to see Jeremy's sister walk with her Girl Scout troop in a local parade. It was hot but lots of fun. Sid enjoyed receiving a mini beach ball thrown from one of the floats. He enjoyed seeing a real fire truck but did NOT like sharing the seat with his Aunt Anna! He tried several times to push her right off.

Today we met some friends out at Heartland Farm for some strawberry picking. Sid loved eating the strawberries and meeting all their animals. He touched a goat and got a little freaked out though.
He is walking now and is starting to show off some other new skills. He likes to show-off my drinking his milk and walking or clicking his tongue while walking. His newest trick is that he will stick out his tongue on demand. It's hilarious!
Jeremy is taking a summer class that just started this week to work on his TAG endorsement. It's his last class, then just an internship or practicum in his classroom in the fall and he is done! I, on the other hand, have just begun to scratch the surface on my dissertation. I keep thinking- I have a whole year....  but that's really not enough time. Yikes!

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